
management consultant | speaker | writer

Richie Santosdiaz

Richie Santosdiaz is mainly a management consultant in the economic development realm. He also comments, writes and speaks about government, private sector and societal challenges and opportunities.


Richie Santosdiaz’s expertise

Richie focuses, since becoming an independent back in 2021, on three key pillars that feed into the wider context of economic development work:


Management consulting advisory

From strategy to implementation of key initiatives across different sectors mainly directly with public sector entities


Speaking opportunities

Richie has given keynotes as well as moderated and even MCed events pertaining to his expertise realm



From columns to reports to opinion editorials, Richie has written across some of the world’s main outlets

Learn more about Richie Santosdiaz

His full biography can be found below

Contact Richie Santosdiaz

Advisory | Speaking | writing